The Political Futures of Speculative Fiction

Cassandra Khaw and Dietmar Dath in Conversation

Karel Zeman, «Invention for Destruction» (1958)

Campus Discussion
RAA-G-01, Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich

Writer of horror and science fiction novels, game writer, and Bram-Stoker-award recipient Cassandra Khaw (Food of the Gods, Nothing but Blackened Teeth, The All-Consuming World, Breakable Things) and German sci-fi icon and political theorist Dietmar Dath (Phonon oder Staat ohne Namen, Dirac, Die Abschaffung der Arten, Venus siegt) have read and admired each other's works.

On November 29th, they meet for the very first time for a public conversation about the futures of speculative fiction. Politics, aesthetics, weird timelines and new bodies mingle and make appear something new.

Veranstaltungssprache: English

This event is open to the public.


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