

@ Ulf Andersen

Campus Anmeldepflichtig
SOD-1-105, Schönberggasse 9, 8001 Zürich

近些年来,世界的网络化,文化领域的商业化和各类政治与社会因素似乎彻底地终结了文学作为时代记载,叙述和反思的重要形式的历史。同时,新媒体带动了文学创作与传播的多元化,进一步推动了“白话化”而打破了雅俗之分的界限。在这种情况下,文学在中国的发展之路走向何方?我们是否需要重新定义文学?文学的未来会是什么样子?在这一次圆桌讨论环节,我们热切地期待与学者和观众共同思考并讨论文学创作在中国的现状与未来。我们很荣幸邀请到了著名作家阎连科先生、《收获》杂志主编程永新先生、中山大学的郭冰茹教授、 苏州大学的王尧教授与季进教授以及辽宁师范大学的张学昕教授参与我们的讨论。苏黎世大学汉学系的班颉(Jessica Imbach)将主持本场活动。研讨语言为中文,问答环节也可使用德语或英语提问。  


联系: jessica.imbach@aoi.uzh.ch

The Future of Chinese Literature  

Roundtable Discussion with Yan Lianke

Chinese literature finds itself today in a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, online fiction reading has become one of the most popular pastimes of China’s youth and transformed literature into a thriving multimillion-dollar industry. On the other hand, writers and publishers are under ever-increasing pressure to «tell the good story of China» and to adapt their works according to both market demands and political interests. Moderated by Jessica Imbach of the Department of Chinese Studies at the University of Zurich, this roundtable will explore the implications of this contradictory landscape and features acclaimed novelist Yan Lianke, Cheng Yongxin (editor-in-chief of Harvest Magazine) as well as the literary scholars Guo Bingru (Zhongshan University), Wang Yao, Ji Jin (both Soochow University), and Zhang Xuexin (Liaoning Normal University).

The event will be held in Chinese, but audience members are welcome to also ask questions in German and English.

Registration required; via mail to jessica.imbach@aoi.uzh.ch
