CREATIVE WRITING: Jessi Jezewska Stevens

Six-week course in literary writing

Curriculum Seminar
12:15 - 13:45
University of Zurich

This course is intended for writers seeking an introduction to the nuts and bolts of fiction writing. Over six weeks, we'll study point of view, character, plot structure, pacing, and that ever elusive element we call "voice."

Discussions will be motivated by fundamental craft questions: When should we use the first person versus the third? How do writers "set stakes," involve the audience, and generate suspense? Do stories have to have plots? We will begin to see that fiction is constructed through a series of formal choices that the writer pursues in order to further the narrative, thematic, and emotional aims of the story.

This class follows the workshop model, though prior workshop experience is not required; we will spend the bulk of our time critiquing student work. Writers will have the opportunity to workshop at least two pieces.
In addition, short readings selected from a variety of authors will serve as objects of emulation. Our analysis of these texts - especially early in our course - will help to build a shared class vocabulary for describing craft techniques during workshop critiques.

Occasional in-class writing prompts will provide opportunities to generate and revise creative work, while critiques of peer stories and the occasional critical reading exercise will urge writers to think analytically about how fiction is structured.

For further info, click here.

To attend this event, you must be a inscribed student of the University of Zurich.

Veranstaltungssprache: English


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